よくある質問 Q&A 

Q1. Are you ninja's descendant really?

A.Yes! ,. Everyone is offsprings of Hattori Iga Mamoru Kiyonobu before fact teens who goes back from 2 generation eye Hattori-Hanzou you know.

Q2.Of what kind of contents is real ninjutsu?

A.The one which included all technology of a sneaking in art, walking method, a way of running, pharmacy, astrology, hypnotism, magic and a battle art is ninjutsu. It's the battle way to be easiest to tell in those to everyone. Generation after generation is inherited to me, and I'll tell you the secret battle way you never tell by other ones.

Q3. May a recipe be initiated the general public?

A. Even if it's told of course, only the part where I have no interference is told. I'm thinking I'd rather have a sensible person know the existence more than ancestors are desperate, and the numbers of the told work are my charge, and it's buried by darkness.

Q4. Isn't the real work dangerous?

A. real weapon isn't used. The one which considered safety is used. A blow isn't sometimes added to a partner. But a movement is being done based on a true thing, so I listen to my directions carefully, and I have to behave, it's dangerous. Please ask me my directions tightly.

Q5."It's buried by darkness by my charge.", what kind of thing is it?

A.My gender is MTF. In other words, I'm the person who became a lady from a man. When saying strictly, I have time as a lady socially, but physically, have you just said half? Therefore it's said that my DNA and work have high possibility that it's ended as well as my life. There is a thought that I have to tell only work in posterity at least.

The required time?

About 3 hours are scheduled. The customer from foreign countries who came by the limited travel number of days finished Tokyo sightseeing by this tour, and I made sure that you can move to a distant place of Osaka and Kyoto immediately in the plan it can be surrounded by a short time as much as possible. I'm bringing you to ninja BAR "Kamari" in an option for the customer who would like to enjoy more nights in Shinjuku slowly of course and am also preparing the plan which enjoys a meal and liquor (in your child, nonintoxicant) etc..

I can't speak Japanese, is it OK?

Interpretation equipment as "POCKETALK" is being carried, so it's OK. It's the excellent thing which can correspond to 74 languages, so even if the person who isn't an English area is here, it can correspond.

Q12.What would you like for clothes?

A.When thinking you tend to move, everything is all right. I think a sweat suit of a jersey is most suitable. One in the school becomes barefooted at ninjutsu guidance by me, so a female person would prefer the one which puts on stockings and doesn't come. It'll be the movement which is on foot to a spot from a spot, so it would be better for a female person to put on the one which aren't high-heels. The person who would like to put on a ninja costume and taste ninja feeling is also preparing rental of a ninja costume in an option.


A.はい! 皆さんご存知の2代目服部半蔵から遡ること10代前の服部伊賀守清信の子孫です。


A.潜入術や、歩法、走法、薬学、占星術、催眠術、呪術、戦闘術などのあらゆる技術をひっくるめたものが、忍術です。 それらの中で、もっとも皆さんにお教えしやすいのが、戦闘術です。 私まで、代々受け継がれているもので、他では、決して教えてはくれない秘伝の戦闘術をお教えします。


A.もちろん、教えても差し支えのない部分だけを教えますよ。 ご先祖様方が命がけで伝えてきた技の数々が、私の代で、闇に葬り去られてしまうより、心ある方々にその存在を知ってもらうほうがましだと、私は考えています。


A.本物の武器は使いません。安全を考慮したものを使います。 相手に打撃を加えるようなこともありません。 しかし、動きは本当のことをベースにしているので、私の指示をよく聞いて行動しないと、危険です。 私の指示をしっかり聞いてくださいね。


A.約3時間を予定しています。 限られた旅行日数でいらした海外からのお客様が、当ツアーで東京観光を済ませて、すぐに大阪や、京都などの遠方に移動できるように、出来るだけ短時間で回れるプランにしました。


A.「ポケトーク」という通訳機器を携帯しておりますので、大丈夫です。 74ヵ国語に対応出来る優れものなので、英語圏ではない方がいらしても対応出来ます。


A.ご自分が、動きやすいと思うものであれば、なんでも大丈夫です。 ジャージなどのトレーニングウエアが最適だとは思います。 私による忍術指導の時は、道場内は裸足になるので、女性の方は、ストッキングは履いて来ないほうがいいでしょう。 スポットからスポットへは、歩いての移動になるので、女性の方は、ハイヒールではないものを履いたほうがいいでしょう。 忍者衣装を着て忍者気分を味わいたい方は、オプションにて、忍者衣装のレンタルもご用意しております。