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①原宿で忍者衣装レンタル(注:オプション) 忍者衣装で、原宿竹下通りと裏通り(伊賀忍者の屋敷跡)を散策。
↓ 以下は通常コース

②皆中稲荷神社 参拝(新宿忍者ツアー参照)
伊賀忍者から鉄砲隊になった百人組の屋敷跡の解説や、風魔忍者の出身地 小田原宿を模した街波の解説。

③新宿戸山公園内の箱根山登山 戸山公園内にて、妃羽理のミニ忍者ショーを見た後、 手裏剣体験、折り紙手裏剣手作り体験、妃羽理指導による忍者アクション撮影体験。
以下、オプション ↓レンタル自転車(ツアー料金に含まれる)にて移動10分〇

④新宿2丁目 忍者BAR 香まりにて、飲食(新宿忍者ツアー参照)

となっております。 ①④のオプションに関しては、ページ下の「新宿忍者ツアー」の説明をご参照ください。

③の、新宿戸山公園内の箱根山登山 についての詳細 

江戸城に戦渦が及んだ際に、江戸城の裏門にあたる半蔵門から、甲府城に向かって真っ直ぐ伸びる、将軍の逃げ道として作られたのが、甲州街道です。 その逃げ道が、いざという時にきちんと機能するように、普段から流通のための街道として旅人が行来出来るようにしてありました。
稲葉氏は、元々、尾張、美濃の一部の武将で、尾張徳川家とも縁が深いと思われます。 当時の小田原藩を治めていた稲葉氏からの何らかのアドバイスがあったのではないでしょうか? また、小田原といえば、戦国時代は風魔忍者が活躍していた土地です。
その大盗賊団の主に活動拠点としていたのは、多くの旅人が集まる新宿です。 中でも、当時の風俗街がある千鳥街(現在の新宿2丁目)は格好の仕事場です。 そこで、その元忍者の大盗賊団を捕まえさせるために、徳川家直属の伊賀忍者、甲賀忍者を江戸に呼び寄せたのです。
そんな想像がかきたてられる戸山公園内の森林の中で、忍者映画のロケさながらに、お手持ちのスマホ等で、忍者アクション動画を撮って、思い出の1ページにする。 そんな楽しみ方が出来るのが、この戸山公園内の箱根山登山なのです。

The facilities which are in the course of "Shinjuku ninja tour" as new-style coronavirus expansion prevention measure, a closure, it's obliged.
So by this tour 3 is dense (1 and shutting tightly 2 and crowd 3 and closeness),
I'll propose changing the course contents from the angle of the avoidance to a tour of the outdoor type. Please title.
"Shinjuku ninja cycling" I'll seem to be a ninja and require mask wear and sterilization by disinfectant respectively because 3 and on the nature which guides ninja's military art in closeness can't be avoided, so please accept it.

Shinjuku ninja cycling

(1) At Harajuku, ninja costume rental (note: Option)
I take a walk through Harajuku Takeshita street and an alley (residence mark of Iga ninja) by a ninja costume. ↓
Below is an usual course.
(2) The god of the harvest shrine visit in everyone (Shinjuku ninja tour referring) ↓
Move in rental bicycle (It's included in a tour fare.) per 15 minutes.
Home town of explanation of a residence mark of the one hundredth group of which became a gun team from Iga ninja and a wind addict ninja Explanation of the town wave modeled on Odawara juku.
It's satisfied with a trying out the food at various restaurants gourmet in Shin-okubo (Trying out the food at various restaurants, gourmet cost self-paying, please.)
(3) Hakoneyama mountaineering in the Shinjuku Toyama park After a mini ninja show of HIBARI was seen in the Toyama park.
Ninja action photography experience by a throwing knife experience, a folding paper throwing knife homemade experience and princess feather reason guidance. I climb the end in Mt.
artificiality in the highest peak in the Yamanote Line "Hakoneyama (hill of 44,6m)" and look at a skyscraper district in Shinjuku. Hereinafter option
↓ move in rental bicycle (It's included in a tour fare.) per 10 minutes
(4) Ninja BAR KaMari has Shinjuku 2-Chome (Shinjuku ninja tour referring).
Above It is. (1) Please refer to the explanation of "Shinjuku ninja tour" about an option of(4).
(2)(3) But it's this usual walking contents. The charge is 12,500 yen for one person (including tax).
(3) Hakoneyama mountaineering in the Shinjuku Toyama park , and, detailed. Toyama park (Hakoneyama area) was a garden with a suburban residence of the Edo Period and Owari Tokugawa family.
When saying Owari Tokugawa family, there were other Kishu Tokugawa family and Mito Tokugawa family by 1 of Tokugawa big threes, but when there isn't a figure suitable for a direct line of the family to inherit the shogunate, it's the good family which is to the extent the next general is going to be chosen from this big three.
There is Mt. artificiality which heaped up, made and made lifted earth and sand to make a huge pond in the garden of the Owari Tokugawa family.
That was Meiji Period, and I came to be called "Hakoneyama".
It's because why did you assume that "Hakoneyama" where you exist was suitable for the name of Mt. artificiality in this garden as an actual mountain next to Odawara juku by making the town wave modeled on an inn district of Sagami country Odawara feudal clan in this garden when I said whether you came to be called "Hakoneyama".
Then, would you make the town wave modeled on Odawara juku in the first garden why? After all a place name called Shinjuku is the place name on which it itself was put by the meaning as the new inn district.
When a wartime catastrophe came to Edo-jo, the one which was made as the general's way out which develops straight to the Kofu castle from Hanzomon exposed to a back gate in Edo-jo is Koshu Highway.
When saying well, the way out had made sure that the traveler can always make sure since the line that it'll function accurately as a highway for circulation.
While the travelers arrive to Koshu, I need a new inn, and a place name called Yodobashi to that is the reason which became an
inn district called Shinjuku. So myself are going to make an exclusive in district for Owari Tokugawa family in the garden in Shinjuku, too, and the one which could be done would be Odawara juku in the garden.
It isn't indicated by becoming clear why Odawara juku was copied, but you can guess that I was Mr. Inaba to be related to that an actual Odawara feudal clan was being ruled in 1672 when the inn district which was probably modeled on this Odawara juku was made. Mr. Inaba seems originally, closely connected with Owari Tokugawa family by a certain general in Owari and Mino, too.
Was there some advice from Mr. Inaba who was ruling Odawara feudal clan in those days? When I'm Odawara, warlike ages are the land where a wind addict ninja was playing an active part.
When Houjou family who was serving dies out, the Fuuma ninja comes out in Edo and is a big thief company in the Edo Period.
The one made an active base in the center of the big thief company is Shinjuku where many travelers gather.
A plover district with a manners district in those days (present Shinjuku, 2-Chome) is also a suitable worksho Koka ninja makes Iga ninja live around Harajuku around Sendagaya, and it's a reason called Hyakunin-cho in Shin-okubo that selection unit Hyakunin where a gun can be handled could give a residence to in the Iga ninja.
The one in the cross point in 2-Chome of Hyakunin-cho in Shin-okubo and Shinjuku is the reason which is a suburban residence garden of Owari Tokugawa family with an inn district who copied Odawara juku.
That Kajiya and a rice shop were building 37 houses of Machiya in Odawara juku district in the garden, it's recorded.
Fuuma ninjas are people in a mountain from Hakoneyama to Tanzawayama originally, like Iga ninja and Koga ninja, I'm a descendant of Izumo family and excel in steelmaking technology.
In other words, the quality which becomes the smithery seller should be had and merged sufficiently.
They don't go out of the area of writer's (HIBARI) guess thoroughly, but Shinjuku changes into a big thief company at 2-Chome of manners district, and aren't smiths in Odawara juku in the garden of this Owari Tokugawa family probably the family's offsprings by whom the Fuuma ninjas who have been caught and executed were left for Iga ninjas?
Offsprings of the Fuuma ninjas lived under the supervision of Owari Tokugawa family at a garden where they march with a residence district of a one hundredth group of of selection unit of Iga ninja.
Didn't that exist in the garden as a town and Odawara juku on the Fuuma ninja relation?
Location of the ninja movie takes a ninja action animation and makes it 1 page of a memory for smartphone of holdings in the forest in the Toyama park where such imagination is written up.
Such, it's Hakoneyama mountaineering in this Toyama park that how to enjoy oneself forms.

※※※以下通常メニュー・Normal menu↓※※※

Course Plan Guided

Kaichyu Inari Shrine Visit(15:00~15:40)
Oda Nobunaga died in 1582 due to a change in Honnoji.
Ieyasu Tokugawa was enjoying the sights of Osaka at that time.

Ieyasu Tokugawa, who had an alliance with Nobunaga, quickly returned to Okazaki Castle, thinking that his life would also be targeted.
The route Ieyasu took to return to Okazaki Castle first passed through the mountains of Iga, arrived in Ise Bay, crossed the sea from Ise Bay, arrived in Mikawa, and escaped safely.
This event is called God Iga crossing.
At this time, it was the Iga ninja group who led Hattori Hanzo who escorted Ieyasu from the bandits who aimed at the neck of Ieyasu while guiding along the steep mountains of Iga. Since then, Hattori Hanzo and the Iga ninja group have been heavily used by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who has been entrusted with the protection of Edo even after Ieyasu opened the Edo Shogunate.

Iga ninja was originally good at the knowledge about the explosives on the experience of many intelligence activities.
In the peaceful Edo period, the intelligence activities of Iga ninjas decreased as a task.
Therefore, many of Iga ninjas were brought to possession by the artillery team by making use of the knowledge of the explosives.
At that time, it was organized by the Iga Kachi gunnery hundred people group.
And it is the name of the Hyakunin town enshrining of the Kaichyu Inari Shrine that was given their mansion.
Hyakunin means one hundred people.
The origin of this shrine, named Kaichyu Inari Shrine, is from the following anecdote.

One night of one of the Iga gunners who was troubled without raising the skill of the gun one night, after being asleep, God gave him the knack of guns in a dream.
The next morning he visited a shrine and then he was trained to shoot guns as the god said in a dream and it was a hundred hundred brilliant.
He told the story to a group of hundred people and they all went to the shrine.
Then everyone became the skill of hundred out of hundred.
Then Iga ninjas came to believe in this shrine thickly.
Then we came to call this shrine Kaichyu Inari Shrine. Kaichyu means that everyone can be hit.
In this Shinjuku NINJA Tour, you must first pray for the safety of this tour after you learn about the Japanese ceremonies by visiting the Kaichyu Inari Shrine that is deeply related to Iga Ninja.
Of course you can visit if you can not worship for religious reasons.
In that case, please prepare 5 yen coin as a separate payment from the travel fee.

②Ninja Trick HOUSE(16:00~16:45)
There is a spot where you can experience the shuriken in that world famous entertainment district Kabukicho as a night castle.
That's a Ninja Trick HOUSE.
This Ninja Trick HOUSE using one floor of a multipurpose building consists of two rooms.
One of the rooms is a trick house with various mechanisms.
The other room is a shuriken dojo where you can experience a shuriken and a manikin cutting with a wooden sword.
If you finished the worship at the Kaichyu Inari Shrine, you might be able to hit the shuriken brilliantly.


②Ninja Trick HOUSE(16:00~16:45)

There is a spot where you can experience the shuriken in that world famous entertainment district Kabukicho as a night castle.
That's a Ninja Trick HOUSE. This Ninja Trick HOUSE using one floor of a multipurpose building consists of two rooms. One of the rooms is a trick house with various mechanisms.
The other room is a shuriken dojo where you can experience a shuriken and a manikin cutting with a wooden sword. If you finished the worship at the Kaichyu Inari Shrine, you might be able to hit the shuriken brilliantly.


③Hibari Ninja Dojo(17:00~18:00)
The last is Iga OMI-HATTORI style Ninjutsu orthodox leader Hibari directs you to Ninjutsu directly. First of all, I will show you what happens If I do the shurikenage that you have experienced now.
I will show in front of you the great technique of the shuriken throwing that only I can do in the world, so please take a close look.
Then I will teach you the special fighting techniques of Ninjutsu that can be taught only because Hibari inherits real Ninjutsu.
I also have martial arts instruction experience of ninja movie.
I will chore to you the action that I used the fighting technique.
Shoot it on your smartphone or mobile phone and shoot a scene of a ninja action movie.
It will be a good memory of the trip.
A plan to here The required time for about 3 hours (15:00-18:00)
The charge 11,000 yen/ person (including t ax).
※ More than 7 years old of participation target age Everything will be on foot.
However, if you use the optional rental costumes, train travel from Harajuku to Shin Okubo will be at your own expense.
The train transfer fee will be 160 yen.
Local payment. Cash only.
From 2 persons. Every Tuesday Wednesday Closed. We accept reservations by home page.

We will close the reception desk one month before the performance date.
Cancellation without notification will be charged 100% of the fulfillment fee.

Extra edition Optional tour course

①Rental ninja costume (14:00-14:30) Separate payment 3,500yen/ person (including tax)

There is a place where the Iga ninja in addition to Hyakunin-cho where has Kaichyu-Inarijinja who was given a residence.
That's Harajuku.
There is a costume shop that rents ninja costumes to the Harajuku.
Transform into a ninja in the costume shop and try to participate in the Shinjuku NINJA Tour with a ninja figure.
Of course I will take to the costumer.
After changing into ninja costumes, I will take you to Kaichyu Inari Shrine from there.
Only the applicants of this option will be Harajuku Station Takeshita Street Exit wicket station meeting.
If you do not use this option, you will be able to take part in your plain clothes, but please join in easy-to-wear clothes.

②Guide to ninja bar KAMARI.(18:30~19:30)
Separate payment 2 drink 1 light meal 3,000 yen (including tax).
For customers who want to have dinner after the regular Shinjuku NINJA Tour and want to enjoy the night Shinjuku still want to hear more about the story of my ninjaI will bring you the ninja bar at Shinjuku 2-chome where Hibari will be the store manager too.
Shinjuku 2-chome is a rare area in the world where L.G.B.T. stores, such as a New-half like myself, are concentrated, ie sexual minority shops. But, well, 2-Chome, this Shinjuku was also a workplace of Iga ninja.
Shin-Chidorigai has "KAMARI" where was the old-fashioned town.
And the security was very bad. In the place, the ninja group that lost the Lord during the Warring States period became a large theft group and was ruining the city.
Iga ninja and Koka ninja caught the theft group that was originally a ninja as a police. Because Iga ninja and Koka ninja served the Tokugawa Shogunate.
That land is the Shin-Chidorigai Street of the current Shinjuku 2-chome.
I think that it is the best for souvenir talk in Japan, so let's close the night with this special atmosphere at Shinjuku 2-chome. KAMARI can also offer reasonably priced meals centered on Japanese food.
You may also taste ninja food.

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①皆中稲荷神社 参拝(15:00~15:40)
それ以来、服部半蔵と伊賀忍者は、徳川家康に重用され、家康が、江戸幕府を開いてからも、江戸の警護を任された。 伊賀忍者は、もともと多くの諜報活動の経験上、火薬に関する知識に長けており、諜報活動が任務として少なくなった、平和な江戸時代においては、鉄砲隊に召し抱えられる者が多かった。

その時に組織されたのが、伊賀徒(いがかち)鉄砲隊百人組であり、その屋敷が与えられたのが、皆中稲荷神社の鎮座する百人町の謂れである。 皆中稲荷神社と名付けられたこの神社の由来は、次の逸話による。


その話を百人組の仲間達に話すと、我も我もと、皆が挙ってその神社に参拝した。 すると、皆が、百発百中の腕前になった。 それから、伊賀者達は、この神社を篤く信仰するようになり、皆(みな)中(あたる)神社として、皆中稲荷神社(かいちゅういなりじんじゃ)と呼ぶようになったということです。



雑居ビルのワンフロアを使ったこの忍者からくり屋敷は、2部屋から構成されており、1部屋は、いろんな仕掛けが潜んでいる からくり屋敷。 もう1部屋は、手裏剣打ちや、人体模型を木刀で斬りつける体験の出来る 手裏剣道場になっています。



所要時間 約3時間
料金 ¥11,000-/人(+税)

②忍者BAR 「香まり」ご案内
